Built for Global Students

Classroom Assistant
Real-time Lecture Notes
Never miss a word while taking notes. AI transcribes lectures in real-time; upload PPT and materials with one click to automatically organize key points and build clear, comprehensive notes so you can focus on understanding while we handle the rest.
Multi-language SupportSmart Note Organization
Multi-language Support
Smart Note Organization

Efficient Review
Extract Course Materials, Ace Your Exams
Upload PPT slides, textbooks, and lecture recordings with one click without missing any knowledge points. Intelligently generate review notes and practice questions to make exam preparation twice as effective with half the effort.
Homework & Exam ReviewPractice Gap Identification
Homework & Exam Review
Practice Gap Identification

Paper Writing
Batch Literature Reading, Quick Idea Organization
Import all relevant literature for your research topic and build your personal academic knowledge base. Use AI to deeply analyze literature content, organize knowledge connections, and structure your research ideas so your paper writing never starts from scratch.
Batch Extraction of Core PointsWriting Structure Organization
Batch Extraction of Core Points
Writing Structure Organization

10x Learning Efficiency
From complexity to clarity.

Your Learning Companion
All platforms, one journey.